We will collect various specification details here, at the moment this is rather incomplete.
The typedefs language TDef
can be found in Typedefs.idr.
0 the empty or void typeT1
1 the unit typeTSum
+ co-product of types (also known as sum-types)TProd
× products of types (also known as tuples)TMu
µ fixpoint operator (also known as recursion)TVar
a, b, … variablesTApp
(a b) application
For example expressions in Idris, see Examples.idr.
For details on our S-expression (LISP syntax) based frontend, see Test/Parse.idr.
Binary term serialization format
Terms are serialised as follows:
does not need to be serialised as the type is uninhabited.T1
does not need to be serialised as it has only a single trivial term.TSum ts
with|ts| = 2 + k
are serialised as the tag bits00
, followed by an integeri
, followed by the serialisation of a term of typets[i]
. (Alternative: can serialise an integer< 2 + k
.)TProd ts
with|ts| = 2 + k
are serialised as the tag bits01
, followed by the integer2 + k
, followed by the serialisation ofts[0]
, …,ts[1+k]
. This relies on being able to compute the width of each serialised term.TVar j
are not serialised, as we only deal with closed types (but encoders and decoders will have to deal with them, because ofTMu
).TMu ts
with|ts| = k
are serialised as the tag bits10
, followed by an integeri
, followed by the serialisation of ts[i]. (Alternative: can serialise an integer< k
.)TApp f xs
with|xs| = k
are serialised as the tags bits11
, followed by the integerk
, followed by the serialisation off
, followed by the serialisation ofxs[0]
, …,xs[k-1]